Minh Vu

Minh Vu's picture
Graduate School Student
Minh is a doctoral candidate in American Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a Graduate Certificate in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration. Researching material cultures of discard and decay amidst the everyday aftermaths of war, they are writing a dissertation—entitled “Corrugated Care”—that considers cardboard as a material, metonym, and method of U.S. empire and its enfoldments across the 20th and 21st centuries.
Their work appears in a variety of academic and creative non-fiction venues and has been externally supported by the Center for Black, Brown, and Queer Studies; Cornell Migrations Summer Institute; Ford Foundation; and Mellon Foundation. Prior to graduate study, they received bachelor’s degrees in English and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (with distinction) from Yale University, where they are currently a fellow with the Graduate Writing Lab and an instructor with the Yale Prison Education Initiative. For the 2024-2025 academic year, Minh will be a Visiting Academic with the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at New York University.
For more information and inquiries: minhhuynhvu.com.
Asian American Studies, Critical Refuge(e) Studies, Discard Studies, ecologies of empire, everyday war, intimacies of infrastructure, supply chain logistics