Mark Beitel, Ph.D.

Mark Beitel's picture
Lecturer in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration and Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry

Mark Beitel is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry.  He is a licensed clinical psychologist who is engaged in teaching, research, and clinical practice. Dr. Beitel has authored or co-authored more than 30 scientific articles on personality, psychotherapy, and/or culture.  His current research interests include the theory and practice of behavioral health interventions with Native Americans.


Beitel, M., Allahjah, A., Cutter, C. J., Blackhawk, N., Van Alst, T., and Barry, D. T. (in press). Expectations and preferences for counseling and psychotherapy in Native Americans. Journal of Indigenous Research.

Beitel, M., Peters, S., Savant, J., Schottenfeld, R. S., & Barry, D. T. (in press). The psychometric properties of the Iowa Personality Disorder Screen (IPDS) in methadone-maintained patients: An initial investigation. Journal of Personality Disorders.

Beitel, M., Savant, J. D., Cutter, C. J., Peters, S., Belisle, N., & Barry, D. T. (2012). Psychopathology and pain correlates of dispositional optimism in methadone-maintained patients. American Journal on Addictions, 21, S56-62.

Beitel, M., Hutz, A. E., Hopper, K. M., Gunn, C., Cecero, J. J., & Barry, D. T. (2009).  Do psychologically-minded clients expect more from counseling? Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 82, 369-383.

Beitel, M., Genova, M., Schuman-Olivier, Z., Arnold, R., Avants, S. K., & Margolin, A. (2007). Reflections by inner-city drug users on a Buddhist-inspired intervention: A qualitative study. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77, 1-9.

Beitel, M., Ferrer, E., & Cecero, J. J. (2005). Psychological mindedness and awareness of self and others. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 739-750.

Beitel, M., Myhra, L. L., Gone, J. P., Barber, J. P., Miller, A., Rasband, A., Cutter, C. J., Schottenfeld, R. S., & Barry, D. T. (in press). Psychotherapy with American Indians: An exploration of therapist-rated techniques in three urban clinics. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, & Training.