Dr. Nolan L. Cabrera is an associate professor in the Center for the Study of Higher Education where he studies the racial dynamics on college campuses with a focus on Whiteness. He was also one of three expert witnesses on behalf of the plaintiffs in the Tucson Unified ethnic studies federal trial.
Event Abstract:
White Guys on Campus is a critical examination of race in higher education, centering Whiteness, in an effort to unveil the frequently unconscious habits of racism among White male undergraduates. Nolan L. Cabrera moves beyond the “few bad apples” frame of contemporary racism, and explores the structures, policies, ideologies, and experiences that allow racism to flourish. This book details many of the contours of contemporary, systemic racism, while engaging the possibility of White students to participate in anti-racism. Ultimately, White Guys on Campus calls upon institutions of higher education to be sites of social transformation instead of reinforcing systemic racism, while creating a platform to engage and challenge the public discourse of “post- racialism.”