Join us for a conversation with Dr. Dario Valles, Assistant Professor of Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies at California State University, Long Beach, an interdisciplinary anthropologist whose research lies at the intersection of gender/sexuality, race, transnational migration and technology linking Central America, Mexico and the US. Dr. Valles’ current work includes developing a feature-length, participatory documentary entitled No Separate Survival on the global asylum crisis converging in Mexico. He is developing digital storytelling workshops with Black, Indigenous and LGBTQ migrants from Central America and the Caribbean petitioning for US legal protection from Tijuana. Following the talk we will host a dinner with Dr. Valles, spaces are limited. Please RSVP for dinner by emailing clara.mejiaorta@yale.edu. December 6, 4:30 pm in HQ 107 (320 York Street).