Undergraduate Students Forms
Complete the Major Worksheet shortly after declaring ER&M as your major and before meeting with the DUS to discuss your plan. Update it regularly, writing in course numbers that match your registration course numbers (cross-listed courses) and the Yale Degree Audit.
Submit updated worksheets whenever plans change, with final updates required before the end of the spring semester in junior year and by the end of the semester preceding your final semester in senior year.
When submitting an independent study request, students should schedule a meeting with the DUS to discuss their plans. Following this meeting, students must register for the appropriate course: ER&M 470, ER&M 471, or ER&M 472.
Senior Requirement Option for Juniors
Students planning to fulfill the senior requirement with either a year-long senior essay (requiring pre-registration for ER&M 491 and instructor permission) or an alternative project (involving two upper-level seminars, one with a writing component) must submit the Senior Requirement Option for Juniors form before the end of the spring semester of their junior year. They have the option to revise the form by the first week of their fall semester.
Students must confirm a thesis advisor early in the fall semester. It is recommended to secure an advisor as soon as possible, as ER&M faculty are in high demand. You may begin laying the groundwork for an advising relationship in late spring or over the summer. Be sure to discuss your plans with your advisor before submitting the form.
Senior essay/project authorization
The authorization form is required to allow us to share your senior essay. You will have the option to share it with only our students, the broader Yale community, or not share it at all. This authorization can be revoked at any time by submitting a new form (preferred) or by sending an email to our main office.
Graduate Certificate Forms
Graduate Events Funding Request
Students can apply for funding throughout the academic year, either individually or as a group, depending on their needs. Funding is available in the following categories: social events, with an annual maximum of $350 per cohort; supplies, with a one-time stipend of $150 per student; and colloquium support, with an annual maximum of $2,000 per cohort.
This form must be submitted twice per year: the deadline for fall courses is in March, and the deadline for spring courses is in October. It is used to help the registrar upload course information to the Yale Course Search site. Please note that this form does not replace the Course Proposal form, which is required for new courses or for courses undergoing changes to any of the three key categories: title, instructor, or format. For new courses, please discuss your plans with the DUS before completing the relevant form to inform us of your plans.
The sponsorship event form can be completed at any time when planning an event or requesting funding, or for administrative support with classroom reservations or other event-related activities.
Once the Sponsorship Form is approved by the Chair, the Administrator will proceed with reserving a room—either Room 416 or Room 218—or putting in a request to reserve somwhere elsewhere on campus . The Administrator will confirm all details with the requester, including room reservations, media support, catering, publicity, and other arrangements. Additionally, the Administrator will contact the guest to process the honorarium, which requires additional documentation to complete the process.
Please note that administrative support is available only to ER&M-affiliated faculty. You do not need to complete the form if you are only requesting publicity for an event with pre-existing advertising materials; those that can be included in our weekly newsletter. However, if you need assistance in creating advertising materials, whether digital or non-digital, you must complete the form.
We occasionally have student workers available to assist with a few hours of work per week. If you require more extensive support or someone to assist with your academic research, please contact me to arrange hiring a student through the Student Employment Office.
Graduate Course Number Request
Whether you are planning a graduate course originating in our department or wish to crosslist your course, you can complete the form. Please note that a graduate course number can be added to an undergraduate course, but this will require the submission of a Course Proposal form.